Minat Wisatawan Terhadap Butler Service Signature di Hotel X


  • Ni Nyoman Suci Arthini Poltekpar Bali
  • Ni Kadek Windi Karlina Dewi Program Studi Manajemen Divisi Kamar, Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
  • Ni Ketut Sekarti Program Studi Manajemen Divisi Kamar, Politeknik Pariwisata Bali




preference, butler service, five signature, tourist


This study aims to determine the preferences of tourists to the butler service signature at Hotel X. Hotel X applies three types of butler services, namely semi butler, 12-hour private butler service, and 24-hour private butler service. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique using a sample of 30 reviews of tourists who stay at Hotel X. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative and analyzed using five aspects of guest preferences including, packing & unpacking service, pressing service, e-butler, beverage service and butler service desk. The results showed that most tourists were satisfied with all aspects of the five butler signatures such as packing & unpacking, pressing service, e-butler, beverage service and butler service desk. So expect Hotel X always evaluates the implementation of butler service and improves services comprehensively to staying tourists.




How to Cite

Arthini, N. N. S. ., Dewi, N. K. W. K. ., & Sekarti, N. K. . (2022). Minat Wisatawan Terhadap Butler Service Signature di Hotel X. Journal of Hospitality Accommodation Management (JHAM), 1(2), 112–123. https://doi.org/10.52352/jham.v1i2.833

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