About the Journal
Journal title Initials Frequency DOI Prefix Print ISSN Online ISSN Editor-in-chief Managing Editor Publisher Indexing |
: Journal of Applied Science in Tourism Destination : JASTD : 2 issues per year : 10.52352 : - : 3063-5608 : Dewa Ayu Made Lily Dianasari : I Gede Made Sukariyanto : P3M Politeknik Pariwisata Bali : - |
Journal of Applied Science in Tourism Destination (JASTD) is a scientific journal that implements a blinded-peer-review process in handling manuscripts and aims to become a scientific medium for interdisciplinary researchers in the tourism destination sector. Firstly published in 2023, the Center for Research and Community Service in collaboration with Tourism Destination Study Programs of Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Politeknik Pariwisata Bali) committed to publishing the journal twice a year, every April dan October.
The considerations in determining scientific articles for publication are based on relevance, clarity, topic, and originality, as well as the extent to which the articles can advance knowledge, understanding, and application and their possible contribution in inspiring further development and research.
The journal invites contributions in the following interdisciplinary scope:
- Tourism Destination Impact
- Tourism Destination and Attraction Management
- Tourism Destination Planning
- Branding and Marketing
- Digital Tourism Marketing
- Competitiveness of Destinations, Products, and Tourism Business
- Diversification of tourism products
- Creative Tourism
- Smart Tourism
- Heritage Tourism
- Ecotourism
- Community-Based Tourism
- Sustainable Tourism Development
- Wellness Tourism
- Tourist Behavior
The primary objective of JASTD is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research papers and case studies published. JASTD invites authors to contribute articles on tourism destination topics for possible publications in upcoming issues.