Kualitas Pelayanan Makanan dan Minuman pada Era New Normal di Garpu Restaurant, Candidasa, Bali
Restaurant, Service Quality, Food and BeverageAbstract
This study uses a quantitative method that aims to find out the quality of food and beverage service at Garpu Restaurant by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents. The research questionnaire contains dimensions of assessment which include the dimensions of physical evidence, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance. From the results of research on these dimensions, overall the average quality of food and beverage service at Garpu Restaurant in the new normal era obtained a score of 3.82 which is in the good category. The dimension that gets the highest average score is the tangible dimension with a value of 3.97, while the dimension that gets the lowest average score is the empathy dimension with a value of 3.58. The effect of this research is that it is hoped that the Garfu Restaurant will be able to maintain and improve service quality so that it will have an impact on increasing consumers which will ultimately be able to increase revenue at the restaurant. The results of this analysis show that the quality of fb services in the new normal era at Garpu Restaurant is good.