Focus and Scope

Jurnal Kepariwisataan accepts research results and reflections on ideas or practices on various topics such as:
a) tourism marketing
b) ecotourism and sustainable tourism development
c) sports tourism
d) health tourism
e) tourist expectations and experiences
f) tourism and hospitality performance management
g) marketing of tourism places and destinations
h) behavioral patterns of tourism geography
i) tourist behavior
j) innovation and competitiveness in hospitality and tourism
k) hospitality services and place branding
l) as well as destination sustainability
m) E-tourism and social media, ICT and tourism
n) urban and regional tourism planning
o) cultural and heritage tourism
p) transformation ongoing issues in tourism and hospitality
q) tourism and contemporary issues in tourism
r) hospitality and tourism education
The areas mentioned above are indicative and of course incomplete, considering that tourism can be examined from various sides and aspects.