About the Journal

Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia is a scientific journal that aims to become a scientific medium for interdisciplinary researchers in gastronomy to communicate their studies, and thoughts to audiences including (but not limited to) educators, learners, researchers, thinkers, and professionals on gastronomy. It implements a blinded peer review process in handling manuscripts.

First published in June 2012, Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia was initiated and founded by IGN Agung Suprastayasa. Initially, it was published annually due to limited number of manuscripts. However, since the growing number of articles sent to the editors, it is currently published biannually in June and December, starting volume 8 number 1, June 2020.  Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia encourages contributions from researchers, academics, and professionals to increase understanding of gastronomy in various contexts. The manuscripts sent to Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia are processed using the Open Journal System (OJS).

The considerations in determining scientific articles for publication are based on relevance, clarity, topic, originality, and the extent to which the paper can advance knowledge, understanding, and application and its possible contribution in inspiring further development and research.