About the Journal

 Journal title
 DOI Prefix
 Print ISSN
 Online ISSN
 Managing Editor 
Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia
2 issues per year
: 10.52352
: 2302-8475
: 2581-1045
: Ni Putu Eka Trisdayanti
Luh Putu Kartini
P3M Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
: Google Scholar, Dimensions, Garuda

Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia is a scholarly open-access journal for the dissemination of research and exemplary evidence-based practice related to gastronomy. First published in 2012, Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia was initiated and founded by IGN Agung Suprastayasa. It was initially published annually; however, since the growing number of manuscripts sent to the editors, it is currently published biannually in June and December, starting volume 8 number 1, June 2020. The manuscripts sent to Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia are processed using Open Journal System (OJS). The considerations in determining scientific articles for publication are based on relevance, clarity, topic, and originality, as well as the extent to which the manuscripts can advance knowledge, understanding, and application and their possible contribution in inspiring further development and research.

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia
					View Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia
Published: 2025-01-02


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